Saurabh Charde

Frontend Web Developer

Maharashtra, India

[email protected]



Frontend Web Developer

Feb 2024-Present(11 months)

In progress ...

Technologies used: Typescript, React, Next.js, GSAP, and Panda CSS.


Frontend Web Developer - Intern

Aug 2023-Dec 2023(4 months)

This was my very first front-end developer internship and my day-to-day responsibilities included (but were not limited to):

  • Maintaining and developing various pages for their provided services

  • Making their landing and other pages mobile responsive

  • Redesigning / tweaking pages when needed

  • Improving a lot of performance issues with their GSAP and Framer Motion Integrations

  • Creating fluid and performant animations

  • Setting up a blog portal using static markdown files with the help of Contentlayer

  • ... and more

Technologies used: React, Next.js, GSAP, Framer Motion, Contentlayer and Tailwind CSS.

Featured Projects

CSS Modular Type

A PostCSS and TailwindCSS plugin to generate modular type scales.


A github gist like pastebin where you can store markdown text online for a set period of time.

Next.js Tailwind Contentlayer Blog

A simple and minimalistic blog template built using the latest Next.js app router, Tailwind CSS and Contentlayer.

Torrent Metadata

A simple web app to extract metadata from .torrent file, magnet URI or torrent info hash.

see all my projects on my portfolio:

see all my open-source projects on my github:

Featured Works

Awaken OS

Website for AwakenOS, an after-market custom Android ROM.

Netflix Clone

Netflix clone built using React and React Router DOM, SCSS Modules, Vite and TMDB API.

My portfolio website built using Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Framer Motion and Contentlayer.


DMIETR, Wardha- B.E. Mechanical Engineering

Aug 2018-Jul 2022

Skills & Tools


TypescriptJavascriptBash ScriptingSCSS / SASSSQLLua


ReactNext.jsFramer MotionGSAPTailwind CSSCI / CDExpressREST APINode.jsRedisRadix UIPostgreSQLJestVitestViteWebpack

